Thursday, April 20, 2017

Modern Day Family Law Reform

Family Courts has proven to be unfair to the children they are supposed to represent in divorce matters and out-of-wedlock child births in most states of the United States.  If the Family Courts are failing in proper representation for the children then who does?  Who thinks about their future mental state?  How is what the Family Courts are doing any different that what a divorce is to the children?  There is no difference in the way of doing what is necessary to ensure the emotional state of the children stays intact through out their childhood.  Where the difference is seen is through the Family Courts ordering parent visitation and child support.  Essentially, the parents are surrendering their parental rights to a court system who benefits financially on broken families.  It is called Title IV-D.  We need to fight the Family Courts by stopping Title IV-D Funding to all States.  Sign this petition. . . . help us to reach the goal of 5,000 signatures.
Modern Day Family Law Reform petition link

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


THE FOURTH BRANCH WITH DEBBIE CARROLL AND JAMES HARRISON: NATURAL FAMILY. Thursday, April 6, at 6-8 p.m. Pacific, 7-9 p.m Mountain, 8-10 p.m. Central, and 9-11 p.m. Eastern.
Few people recognize the volatility generated by changes to public understanding of what constitutes “family.” The concept of family has a long tradition, of course, and legislative changes reverberate throughout our American society.Our guest, James Harrison, is the director of the Natural Family Foundation.  He states, “The Natural Family is the cornerstone of any society. Societies must do all they can to maintain, nurture, promote, and protect this critical family unit.  The moral fabric of a society protects the family, and the social contracts that surround it must also provide support for it.  When the fabric is torn, and social contracts work against the Natural Family, then society as a whole will be threatened.”Join us as we look at the historical impact of family on society and the importance of the Natural Family system. Mr. Harrison will encourage us to understand and encourage the defense, preservation, and growth of this family structure.

Tune into a memorable show. Dial 1 (347) 855-8301, press 1 to speak.