Sunday, October 8, 2017

Who are our children's role models today?

by FloNation
Let us examine today who our children’s heroes are in this 21st century?  Not too long ago, it was the Father; children look up to him, thought him their hero, a superhero!  In their eyes he could leap tall buildings with a single bound, he was faster than a speeding bullet, he was everything to them.  He was their Superman! called D.A.D. – Dedicated, Adviser, Defender.
With all that is going on today in America, the NFL kneeling instead of standing to honor our flag. A news media, entertainers and educators that are confusing and brainwashing their subjects that has left us with Antifa, members who are out of control, whiny young people and politicians that lie, cheat, steal and probably worse.
Who then are the heroes of today?
We already know the family is in trouble, we have fathers who are absent in their children’s lives in our inner cities and but now this has spread to our middle and upper classes.  Sadly, many mothers have forsaken their roles of the nurturer today as well! There is a rise in violence, lack of respect towards authority.   Marriages are failing in too many families, but to their credit, there are still some good fathers and mothers who are very active in their children’s lives, being good role models for them.  Could one of the reasons be, there are too many outside influences on our children today?
The problem is whose raising our children? Who are their heroes, their role models? Who are they emulating?
The progressive state run government schools have succeeded in many cases to subvert the parent’s influences, teaching the youth to respect and emulate people who we know are insurgents with the goal to not only to destroy the natural family and its authority, but our great nation as well.   We do have many good teachers, trying to be positive in our children’s lives are a good influence on them. Many are swimming upstream in the school system not allowed to be the good influence as they would like to be for their hands are tied with this politically correct ideology and union leaders!
Then after 12 years of indoctrination in the public schools, many send them off to finishing schools we call Universities, who complete the brainwashing process. Here at the U, they further indoctrinate radical influences and in many cases let them practice their new found power on campus with destroying property and free speak being critically important curriculum.
Who exactly are our children looking up too?  We see them emulating the NFL with taking a knee!  School children on one knee during our Anthem, disrespecting not only our flag but the men and women who served this great nation to give them the opportunity with hard work to have a good life! Being encouraged to do so by their coaches!  These children do not even realize why they are truly kneeling; they are looking at their role models football players and their coaches and are following what they learn.

They have no idea that this all started over a criminal and a fake narrative with Michael Brown, who  has been made a hero who our children are being told he is the hero and the victim.
In too many inner cities, children in crisis are looking up to gang members and joining these criminals, desperate to be part of a family.  These thugs have become both father and mother!

What happened to the Tim Tebow, and other great role models for our youth?  But with all due respect to Tim and company, who should be looked up to and for good reason it is still the real Hero within the family that should be established. NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley has strongly opposed the idea of sports figures being role models to young people. Sir Charles famously starred in a Nike ad declaring, “I am not a role model”, and encouraging parents to raise their own kids. When explaining himself, Barkley said that by telling children that they should look up to athletes is like “telling kids to look up to someone they can’t become, because not many people can be like we are.”
Charles Barkley is precisely right!  Our real role models our children should be emulating is their parents both Father and Mother.  Fathers, teaching their children what a real man is, reliable, patriotic, honest, teaching his children about morality, how to become successful healthy adults, providing for his family.  The mother, brings a unique set of gifts to her family for she is a nurturer, showing that she works side by side with her husband, making her family secure.  Filling her home with a type of love only a mother can do.
Our youth should be looking up at both the father and mother seeing them as their heroes, their role models, no one can be better at it then the parent.
Special thank to Carlos Ramirez for the use of his photo, a man who strives to be a super hero to his children!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

To Kill or not to Kill, that is the question?

Now today, the suposed question we have before us presently is what are we gong to do with all of these guns that have been killing people. Yet in order to do that we have to suppose that we live in a moral society and the men and women will eventually make the right decisions. Of course background checks and laws. But like in Las Vegas our outwardly  quite, no internet footprint with a spirit that is dying within in him will still damage to get weapons , have them militarized and kill at will.  And are we really going to turn these weapons over to today's government lead by Trump with all of his supposed bad intentions, really

If a psychopath or religious zealot or emotionally charged child  can't get a gun then rent a bus, or poison the food , or take the train tracks off . Man is creative and without restraints can be a monster.  Kidnap a buss load of students, If a killer want sto kill he will. 

So what is the answer? We've got two options we can engage to use, we can  restrain man from within (prevention's)  or from  without (treat the symptoms).  How many laws do you think we have in the United States?  WE are making thousands more very day and the result. 59 killed and over 400   maimed for life.  And there will be more, laws not withstanding 
There is an old saying hat as goes the family so goes the church and as goes the church so goes the nation.  And we cannot legislate good families, Fortunately they occur naturally in their environment but they must be protected and nurtured.  Choice is yours but we are not  gong to get away from this madness until we recognize what a natural family is and why it is so  important.  And it is not what our 20th century genius call the modern family which is anything but natural.

Choice is up to s. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

this is very interesting to read about this US Senator Sharrod Brown and his personal thoughts used in legislative writing.

Monday, September 4, 2017


"Of course, actual videos of children being abused can be found on Twitter. But calling out an editor for promoting teen sodomy is worth a suspension?"Johnston posited on her website Wednesday.  THIS IS WHY SHE, ACTIVIST MOMMY,  IS BANNED!

Sunday, August 6, 2017


While we are off “making noise and shinning light” in our chosen missions our adversary is having his way with our children.  University Of Michigan Teacher claims Preschool Kids Are Too Heterosexual.  Yep, according to this teacher, children in preschool are not gay enough, and guess who else hears this? Sadly, this is not a voice in the wilderness but a commonplace occurrence in the 21st Century and it will get the undivided attention of those who intend to destroy the family.  And because of our disunity,  these children, plus a few brave parents and common sense Americans will be blistered if they dare to do or say anything. They all need our support , confidence and backing.

 Then there is the Oregon man who had a baby, perfectly normal- nothing to see here, right? We just need to get the rest of America to accept this normal fact of life.  Whether this is due to Monsanto chemicals or Satanic perversion matters not.  We cannot allow others to bully us into submission or gain status because of our silence or fear.  If I love you enough to tell you that your behavior is sick, sad and self-destructive, do I become a hater?  In today’s world the answer sadly, is yes.

Abortion on demand is still the law of the land.  And Why? A chain is able to reach only as far as the links provide. Have we refused to grow our chain. What of the links in the chain?  Is the weakest link capable of supporting the other links?  It appears not, otherwise baby killing would be non-existent in America and the world. And yes there are places in the world that don’t abort their futures. Why, who are they?

On our “Last Call ”  radio show Saturday morning  we talked about the Muslim invasion. They are invading our culture and plan on converting it to theirs. Historically, “that’s what they do” folks.  Oh, there are no guns here – at least to begin with and few announced be-headings, wife beatings or child mutilation, but be forewarned, what is being imported from the Middle East is their culture  –Islam is merely the carrier gene  What culture you ask?  You know, the sunny and sandy Middle Eastern spots you visit on vacation because it is so pleasant and relaxing.

Ok , so you did not abort the baby, managed to get your children thru High School with their sex at birth intact but find them destroyed by drugs by the time they are in their teens or early twenties.  Why? Public schools teach that life has no meaning and that man is the measure of all things, so why not drugs to ease the pain or increase the pleasure on your diverse journey? Who’s there to judge, right? It’s my life and I can do anything I want with it. ME, me, me all the way home.

The list goes on brothers and sisters; is it not time that we got together in an effort to stop this madness?  We know the focus must be on the natural family, because that is precisely where the enemy is attacking on all fronts. Everything previously mentioned is a symptom of a family problem.   You tell me, right or wrong?  And if so, why not focus on the family and the preservation and stimulation of its growth while you continue in your separate journeys?

What’s the old saying, “a house divided cannot stand“. The ball is in your court America, you have been notified.
A message from NFF Headquarters – USA

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Therapist to challenge "gay cure" ban

Listen to the interview! CNN definitely working to stop any form of therapy for young children

CNN's Brooke Baldwin and Elizabeth Cohen talk to David Pickup about a new law that bans reparative therapy for minors.
to find more information on the work David Pickup does, click on his website:  and
David H. Pickup, M.A.
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Reparative Therapist
Doctoral Studies: California Southern University
Member: American Psychological Association, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Board member: National Association of Research and Therapy for Homosexuality

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

What could you do with 13 Billion dollars and what would you do to keep it?

Updated Research:13 BILLION in Profits for the Adoption Industry

Claudia Corrigan DArcy

How Much  Money is Really Made off of the Separation of Mothers & Babies?

So this morning marching orders for work to be done came via Facebook.  My chart with projected profits of the adoption industry that I had created a while ago and that lead to a discussion on Facebook.

Fertility Clinics & Adoption Services: An Industry Analysis from 2000

Now, these numbers that we have are based off of a market data research report looking into the  Fertility Clinics & Adoption Services. The report was released in 2000 and was based off of 1999 numbers. My chart, which I have since this AM, updated to project the profits in adoption to 2015, is taking their base number of $1,400,000,000 and uses the estimate 11.9% growth rate provided in the report to give us the numbers.  I do not have access to the report and so the details from it that were used in the original chart and the new updated one come from who culled it from and I am assuming that somewhere, someone had their hands on it and read the thing! The report does not seem to be available anymore, but there is a copy at the Library of Congress.

Over $5,763,699,255,82 in Profits from Adoption in 2013

Yep, close to 6 billion dollars made from the separation of mothers and children and the manufacturing of families for profit. Here’s the update chart, which can also be found on the Truth About the Adoption Industry page here.

The 6 BILLION Adoption Industry Profit projection is LOW!

Now, since there are obvious flaws in the projected adoption profits chart. Old research, a projected growth rate that was probably too low in for the mid 2000 when international adoptions were flourishing and too high for the past few years that have seen rates fall due to countries  and some agencies closing and a greater need for the adoption agencies to pump up their marketing to find more babies all make the numbers a gross estimate.
I dislike gross estimates, so I went a hunting.
And to my delight, there was a new adoption industry market data analyst report published just this year!!  Even better this report does NOT group  the fertility industry in at all but is just Adoption & Child Welfare Services in the US.
This NEW Adoption Industry research puts the REVENUE made from Adoption related services at 13 BILLION.
Shall we repeat that?

Thirteen Billion Dollars Made in Revenue from the Adoption Industry.

Which basically means that for the last god knows how long, we have been screaming about only HALF the profits made by the adoption industry. Less than Half. What this report will give us is firm numbers and new projections into the very heart of the adoption industry: the chain of money flow and the all the charts we could hope for!
What is the Adoption & Child Welfare Services Industry?
This industry includes nonresidential social assistance services for children and young adults. Private sector and nonprofit establishments in this industry offer services in the areas of adoption, foster care placement, drug prevention, guidance and self-help, life skills training and positive social development. This industry excludes orphanages and group homes, day care services, youth recreational sports centers, sports teams and leagues and scouting organizations.
Adoption agencies and providers of child welfare services faced a rocky road during the recession, as private donations dwindled and federal funding remained stagnant. Improvement is on the horizon, however. The industry’s own revenue streams will also improve, as their endowment funding recovers. While government spending on social services will likely lessen, corporate donations will blossom again.
This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.

Adoption Industry Products

  • Adoption services
  • Foster & guardianship services
  • Youth service programs
  • Youth counseling & developmental services
  • Shelter services
  • Other social assistance services

Adoption Industry Activities

  • Adoption placement services
  • Abandoned infant assistance
  • Foster care placement services
  • Child guidance services
  • Child abuse prevention services
  • Youth community center services (except recreational)
  • Self-help programs for teens
  • Teen outreach services
  • Youth guidance services
That’s ALL what is available on line right now. As it is a new report, they are hiding the glorious guts. Can you tell I am just drooling with desire to get my hands on this thing? Current adoption profit numbers? Be still my fact finding heart! This is better than designer shoes on clearance or a fab flea market find!
That’s the good news. The bad news is that the report is $950.00 to purchase.
I have contacted the publishers, and several resellers inquiring about any possible discounts and “we will talk about how wonderful you are in AdoptionLand “if you give us the report. I have a feeling that that is not going to work,  as I have been told no by most, but not by all yet. I’m still not hopeful; I think it’s just that they have not gotten to my request yet. I have found some high level folks on Twitter and shall see what I can do, but… These data market reports want their money too.
I am hoping that they will see the benefits of giving me the report. Overall, while IBISWorld is well known in the business to business sector, they don’t seem to have a lot going on from the pirate sector of people knowing about them or talking about them. I would love to sing their praises, credit them on the research,  and provide lovely back links for their SEO. Hell, I’ll post and promote their Press releases a for the rest of my days if I could get this report! Plus, anything I do publish on outsource places henceforth, like the New York Times, or whatever, I would link back and credit them as super great human beings and a totally ethical company. That’s  what I would LOVE to do, but so far I only have a bad full of hope.
Meanwhile, we KNOW the big adoption agencies have their hands on this report and are probably coming up with new an improved propaganda messages in order to continue their profit growth. So now the question is, if I can’t manage a trade for the market research,  can we get $950.00 for this?

Firm 2007 Numbers on Adoption Profits at 11 Billion!

Even if this report is not in my hands…yet.  I little bit more of sleuthing has revealed to me data from the US Census Bureau which in 2007 did an industry analysis of the “Child and Youth Services Segment” which is where adoption falls in. The official coded number of this is NAICS 62411 and that provides interesting search results as well!
So according to the 2007 US Census Industry numbers, “receipts” is net revenue not including taxes.
% of
United States
$ 11,399,091,000.00 in profits from the adoption industry overall. Over four billion dollars made by persons in the legalized version of child trafficking.

Editorial Note"We are quite aware that the child distribution business which our family courts and many aggressive lawyers engage in,  amounts to billions in revenues.  Whether it be 3 or 13 or 30 billion is of little import. What is critical  is that our nation's focus should not be on money but on the fact that biological children are being transported out of the natural family and into God knows where, which is driven in the main by financial concerns. Money is the power to make decisions and the love of it should not be a factor in the separation of a biological child from their birth-parents."

Monday, July 3, 2017

Creating Your Perfect Robot of Yourself or Your Perfect Partner To Marry?

If you could create a robot to look like you, what would be your purpose?  Would you create it to go to work for you?  To be the father in your home, or the husband?

How about creating a robot to act as your wife or husband?  A male robot to play the role of the husband, female robot to play the role of the wife in the home.  Will they be involved in raising the children?  Will they be emotionally able to love, nurture, teach right from wrong?

Creating our perfect partners in the form of artificial beings would be amazing, exciting, and fulfilling.  Right?  But what happens when life challenges arise in the home, challenges which happen to all families?  Will these forms of couples be able to withstand the hardships in relationships?  Something to think about when you read the article.
Click on link

Sunday, July 2, 2017

White middle schoolers forced to stand in front of classmates, apologize for 'PRIVILEGE'

White middle schoolers forced to stand in front of classmates, apologize for ‘privilege’

June 21, 2017 By Victor Skinner 
EDEN, N.C. – “White privilege” training in the Rockingham County school system is causing a lot of headaches.
Superintendent Rodney Shotwell told Rockingham Now the state threatened to withhold federal funding when a disproportionate number of minority students were suspended in a special exceptional children’s program in 2012 and 2013, so district leaders implemented mandatory “equity training” for school staff.Now, some teachers are complaining that the training materials focused on white privilege and transgender issues violate their principles, while parents are speaking out about other teachers who are taking what they learned and imposing it on students.
At a May 8 school board meeting, parent Farran Wilkinson took to the podium to out one educator who recently forced white students to apologize to black students for their white privilege, according to the American Lens.“I just want to share light on a situation that happened at Western Rockingham Middle School where a teacher caused some of her students to stand up and apologize to other students based on their unequal opportunities of education, so I would like to know how our schools can allow an educator to humiliate, bully and degrade students,” Wilkinson said. (60 minute mark in the YouTube video) “This is not a matter of race but a matter of a teacher using fear and the embarrassment of children to satisfy her own personal anger or beliefs.”
The Lens reportedly contacted parents in the school district and identified the teacher as sixth grade English teacher Tarsha Clark.“American Lens was told by one parent that the incident was more specific than Wilkinson stated,” the news site reports. “According to that parent, Clarke forced her white students to stand in front of the class and apologize to the minority students for their ‘white privilege.’”
Wilkinson stressed that none of the students responsible for inequalities in the school system, questioned why parents were shut out when they inquired about the incident, and urged board members to set an example with the teacher responsible.Western Rockingham Middle School Principal Stephanie Wray alleged the incident never happened, while Shotwell told Rockingham Now district officials are investigating the allegations.
Wilkinson wasn’t the only person to complain about the white privilege training at the May board meeting.Rockingham County Republican Chairwoman Diane Parnell addressed board members about the training videos used by the district, which allegedly promoted the end to “evilism, racism and heterosexualism.” Heterosexualism is the perspective that heterosexuality is the normal sexual orientation and homosexuality is abnormal.
“The reason I know about the equity training is a group of teachers came to us because they felt like they needed help,” Parnell told the school board. “This equity training – that was mandated upon them that they got no credit hours for and they must sit through this on their own time – was something against their Christian principles, and if you take a look at it as I did, those equity training videos, it did seem to be against their principles.”“Look around,” she said. “Most of the people in here I almost guarantee you are heterosexual. Do you want to get rid of them?”
Shotwell told Rockingham Now that the district made some tweaks to the training to accommodate some of the concerns, but officials are pressing forward with the training despite the backlash.“It still deals with some current issues that we have, but I don’t think the controversy that some people might have thought could potentially be in the gird and forth modules are going to be there,” he said. “… We changed it to try to meet the needs, but we’re still doing the training, but it’s just different material that we’re using.”
He also justified the offensive training by alleging teachers do not have to actually believe in the viewpoints promoted by their employer, they just have to endure equity training for their own good.“I told a teacher at one of the trainings I went to, you know, ‘I’m not asking you to change your beliefs by any stretch of the imagination,’” he said. “‘It’s just simply letting you know that kids are going to come to you from sometimes a home that’s a little bit different values than yours and you just need to know that they’re there, but I’m not asking you to change.’”And while some complained directly to the school board, others published their opinions online.
An editorial in the Rockingham Update attacked not only the training program, but also the white privilege theory it’s based on.Retired community college professor William James wrote:
Please note: the whole notion that “people of color” are by definition “oppressed,” by their “white privilege” oppressors and are victims of a structurally unjust American society is mostly bunk. Scholar Thomas Sowell studied these issues years ago and found that there were “people of color” whose success rates exceeded those of whites. Asian-descended (India, Japan, China, etc.) Americans on average had higher incomes and higher academic performances than whites. Some oppression!
Sowell also found that among our black population, those who were the children of immigrants from the Caribbean or elsewhere had markedly higher incomes and academic performances than native-born ones. The former were never taught that they were the hopeless, despairing victims of Open Source’s evil racist society, and saw America as it is: a land of opportunity. They seized that opportunity. Good for them!
He also put the diversity training program into perspective.Most dismaying is that all the time, money and energy to preach “diversity” and whatnot take away from time spent on arithmetic, spelling, reading, science or history! We understand that elementary teachers are allowed barely any paper to print out tests and worksheets. They feel that their hands are tied at maintaining classroom order and discipline. Exactly what we said about the bureaucrats two weeks ago – while spending gobs of money, they interfere with the program more than they assist it.But, by golly, the teachers will know all about “multiculturalism” and “diversity” and the kids will know to resent whites or feel guilty for being one! A triumph for bureaucracy!

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Editorial Note:

As you look at the following photo opportunities please ask yourself this:
If  churches in Michigan are so concerned about breaking up immigrant families, where do they stand on the breaking up of American families through divorce, or American parents having their children ripped away by family courts and social workers , or how about homosexual marriage which is a direct attack of the natural family? Is the church in Detroit standing up for them or is this simply a political fad the church in Detroit supports?  

 As far as providing "sanctuary" is concerned, where is the church in America? - where is the sanctuary for the natural family, for single parents, or for the epidemic of missing children or child victims of pedophilia? We talk about passing laws to protect pastors and give congressmen guns; what about the God's unborn murdered in the womb, the children in state care, and what about the natural families in America who have been under constant institutional and policy attacks during the past 60 plus years in an undeclared "war on the American family"?  To the church in Detroit and other professing houses of worship we would ask: where's your sanctuary for these victims?  How about ministering to Americans within our own communities with the same "zeal" shown to immigrants?

Detroit congregations declare sanctuary for immigrants
Updated March 14, 2017
Posted March 14, 2017
Rev. Paul Perez of Michigan United, along with many religious leaders addressed the need for sanctuaries to protect immigrant families. (Dana Afana |
Dana Afana |
Rev. Jill Zundell of Central United Methodist Church, along with many religious leaders addressed the need for sanctuaries to protect immigrant families.
Rev. Jill Zundell, Central United Methodist Church, along with many religious leaders addressed the need for sanctuaries to protect immigrant families.

rabbi Jeff Falick, Birmingham Temple for Jewish Humanism, along with many religious leaders addressed the need for sanctuaries to protect immigrant families.
Imam Mohamed Almasmari, Michigan Muslim Community Council, handed plaques for congregations declaring themselves as sanctuaries, made by a local artist.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Americas LOST Generation

Americas LOST Generation, those born in this period 1963-1993 . . . makes sense why most are not engaged.