Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Of Natural Marriage and Duty

Of Natural Marriage and Duty    
                 by Tom Hoefling
Marriage, and the natural family that results from it, is God's first human institution, as we see in Genesis chapter two.
Then, in Genesis chapter nine we read of God's institution of human government, when He authorized, and required, the use of the sword by the whole body of the people to punish those who shed innocent blood.
In Romans chapter thirteen we see that God's institution of human government exists to restrain and punish evildoers. Throughout history we see that nations with decent laws governing marriage, laws which conform to the laws of nature and nature's God, have been blessed. Those peoples who have failed in this fundamental task have been barbaric.
When it comes to marriage, God has already decided: "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." So neither individuals, nor states, nor our national government, have any legitimate right to decide otherwise. All they have is DUTY. The absolute imperative DUTY to agree with nature, and nature's God, and through the laws, and the enforcement of those laws, to protect and preserve one man one woman marriage.
Marriage is of a unique, sublime, ineffable nature. It is a God-breathed mystery. It is among His greatest gifts to mankind, the nexus of His eternal plan and all true, lasting, earthly riches. It is the foundational building block of all decent civic, governmental institutions. It is the basis of all true economics. It breeds peace and prosperity. It is the great stabilizer of civilizations. It is the well-spring and nursery of posterity. It must be protected, or America will fail and fall.

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